Tuesday, October 18, 2005


My wife and I had a great trip to NY / Canada visiting Niagara Falls. We stayed in a Bed and Breakfast a not much more than few blocks from the falls and spent three days visiting everything we could. The falls of course were amazing. We took the time to walk around them and across the Rainbow Bridge, viewing them from every angle. We even did the Maid of the Mists boat ride up to the falls themselves. Night viewing, when they were illuminated was beautiful, but we preferred daylight. Night-time was an illusion - colored lights and a dreamy glow, but in the daylight you can't help but be impressed with how colossal they are.

We also visited the rapids and the whirlpool downriver, as well as Old Fort Niagara at the mouth of Lake Ontario, an impressive Buddhist temple, and several nearby vineyards. But my absolute favorite part of the trip was visiting the Butterfly Conservatory. Apparently we showed up right when droves of different imported species were emerging from their cocoons. There must have been thousands of butterflies floating and fluttering everywhere. They were landing on us and swirling about so much we had to move slowly to ensure we weren't stepping on them or injuring them somehow. I even got to see a handful of butterflies emerge from cocoons and slowly struggle to fan out their wings. It was incredible.


Blogger Dædalux said...

It was a great trip. Whenever I travel I'm always struck by how much there is to see - everywhere - and how little of it we get to experience in our lifetimes. I wish I could travel more. I'd never stop if I could manage it.

10/26/2005 9:29 PM  

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