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Go ahead and be proud you've got so much in common with Handy Smurf, or that your Virtual Tarot Card reading says that you're a deeply creative and insightful person. Whatever makes you feel better. Just don't fill your blogs with this junk. It's not like these things are accurate or even entertaining - they just tell you what you want to hear.
Don't believe me? I can prove it. How about Who's My Famous Blogger Twin? It doesn't matter what I do. In the end I'm sure it'll tell me I'm just wonderful. Simply answer a few questions . . . and viola!
Your Famous Blogger Twin is Wil Wheaton That's Right - Wil Fucking Wheaton |
What the hell?!?
But he's so whiney! I'm not whiney!
At least it shows these things aren't accurate. What could I have in common with this almost forgotten former actor? I suppose, for the sake of thoroughness I should investigate, if only to prove my point.
Let's see . . . it seems he's something of a wannabe computer geek ... he likes to write, apparently not very well ... he's into poker, geocaching, and OH MY GOD . . . he even drinks Guinness.
Well that's strangely disturbing. He really is my long lost evil-twin brother. Six lousy questions and that quiz matched me up with my ultimate alterego. How depressing. Could it be that these things are dead on?
Hmmm, obviously my taste is music is 'archaic and decidedly uncool', I don't care enough about 'my look', and it seems I'm just 'okay' in the sack. At least now I know. My pornstar name is, Ivan Dinklehoff, but I'm guessing I won't be using it since I'm only marginally adequate in bed. The good news is I apparently have latent psychic powers - I bet those will come in handy - and my future has a 'prosperous outlook'.
I'm telling you all this now because I'm never doing any of these stupid things again. Who knows, maybe I'll actually have something original to put in my next post. We can only hope. And for the record, I didn't score as 'Pissed at the World Kitty' until after I knew I was Wil Wheaton's even less successful doppelganger. How would you react?
You scored as Pissed at the World Cat. And here we have the next serial killer. Try having some cotton candy, it'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Psycho. Pissed at the World Cat 83% Nerd Cat 50% Ninja Cat 50% Couch Potato Cat 42% Deranged Cat 33% Love Machine Cat 25% Drunk Cat 25% Which Absurd Cat are you? created with |